The first PCI Express chipset for the AMD platform, the VIA K8T890 chipset is designed to fully meet the increased system bandwidth demands placed on the PC. Designed to support a complete range of AMD Athlon™ 64, Athlon 64 FX, Opteron™, and Sempron™ processors, the VIA K8T890 delivers high performance, comprehensive features, and rock solid stability. The K8T890 chipset is optimized to work seamlessly with the latest PCI Express graphics cards, featuring a PCI Express x16 connection for up to 4GB/s of dedicated graphics bandwidth per direction, and provides four PCI Express x1 connections. Each 1x PCI Express connection provides 250MB/s per direction bandwidth to PCI Express peripheral devices such as Gigabit Ethernet and HDTV tuner cards.
[Not a valid template]December 23, 2016