The VIA Autonomous Car Kit Event

Following its successful launch in China in 2018, VIA introduced the VIA AI Learner Kit for the first time to a classroom of elementary-school students in Taiwan eager to learn how to program their very own robotic car just before the Lunar New Year holiday. The kit was inspired by VIA software engineer Vincent Chen, who realized the potential for AI technology in mainstream education after attending the China Children’s Computer Competition in Beijing two years ago, and is now being adopted by schools throughout China.

The VIA AI Learner Kit is a highly-integrated hardware and software package that enables students to learn how to build and program a self-driving car. Its key components include an Arduino-compatible controller board, autonomous driving expansion board, camera, battery, sensors, and chassis, as well as a user-friendly software program that enables students program commands to activate the car, set its speed limits, and define the appropriate actions when the camera detects a stop sign, warning sign, traffic lights, or turning. A training manual is also provided plus a track for the car to drive around.

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